Curriculum Vitæ
2003 - 2009 Postdoctoral Fellow-ETH Zurich
1998 - 2003 Ph.D. - Weizmann Institute of Science
1992 - 1997 M.Sc. - Technical University of Denmark
Grants & Honors
2014 - Liebig College Visiting Professor
2010 - 2012 Chaya Chair
2021-present INEOS collaboration grant
2019 - present ISF Individual Research Grant (870/19)
2019 CHE-PBC Grant for a HRMS operator's salary
2019 - 2020 MAFAT Research Grant 3
2018 - 2019 KAMIN grant
2018 ISF Institutional grant for a HRMS instrument (621/18)
2015 - 2019 ISF Individual Research Grant (1914/15)
2018 - 2019 MAFAT Research Grant 2
2016 - 2018 MAFAT Research Grant 1
2015 - 2016 MAFAT Research Grant
2011 - 2015 ISF Bikura Grant
2010 - 2015 ISF Individual Research Grant
2010 - ISF Young Faculty Equipment Grant
2010 - Germany Israel Foundation Young Investigator
Prof. Alex M. Szpilman
Head of the Department of Chemical Sciences
Alex M. Szpilman grew up in Denmark. He completed his M.Sc. at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) working on the total synthesis of Balanol with John Nielsen. His Ph.D. was carried out at the Weizmann Institute of Science, under the supervision of Professor Mario D. Bachi and concerned the total synthesis and mechanism of action of the antimalarial natural product Yingzhaosu A. Upon graduation Alex joined the group of Erick M. Carreira at the ETH as a Carlsberg Postdoctoral Fellow. Alex’s postdoctoral research focused on elucidating the mechanism of action of the clinically important antifungal agent Amphotericin B using Diverted Total Synthesis and Molecular Editing.
In 2009 Alex started his independent academic career. In 2016, Alex moved to Ariel University where he currently holds the rank of Full Professor with tenure. From 2020 to 2023 Alex was the Vice Dean for Research and from October 2021 to date he is the Head of the Department of Chemical Sciences.
Alex's research programs include: a) New C-C, C-N and C-O forming reactions of Electrophilic Enolonium Species via Umpolung of Enolates using hypervalent iodine reagents, b) Solar/Visible Light Mediated Synthetic Reactions, c) Nitroxide as catalysts and reagents. Additional research concerns energetic materials, hydrogen storage and the biological activity of natural products.
Alex is an experienced consultant for the pharmaceutical industry and has served as an expert witness in international patent disputes.

List of Invited Lectures:
Technical University of Denmark, 13th of June 2002
University of Zurich, Switzerland, 24th of October 2006
Department of Chemistry, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, 25th of January 2007.
Technion, Israel, 29th of January 2007.
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel 30th of January 2007
School of Pharmacy, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel 14th of October 2007
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel 22nd of October 2007
Faculty of Life Sciences, Copenhagen University, Denmark, 29th of April 2008
Bar Ilan University, Israel, 27th of May 2009
Tel Aviv University, Israel, 1st of November 2009
Israel Institute for Biological Research, 22nd June 2010
Technical University of Denmark (DTU), 11. August 2010
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, 3. January 2011
The 71st meeting of the Israeli Chemical Society, Tel Aviv, Israel, 7. February 2012. InvitedLecture
4th Young Investigator Workshop, EuCheMs-Organic Division 23-25, Vienna August 2012, Invited as Israeli representative
Tel Aviv University, Israel 2013
Bar Ilan University, Israel 2013
Symposium in Honor of Prof. Erick M. Carreira, 5 July 2013, Invited Lecture
The 79st meeting of the Israeli Chemical Society, Tel Aviv, Israel, 4. February 2014
Aarhus University, Denmark, 25. March 2014
DTU, Denmark, 26. March 2014
U. Göttingen, Germany, 12. May 2014
U. Münster, Germany, 15. May 2014
U. Michigan Ann Arbor, 3. September USA 2014
University of Utah, USA, 5. September 2014
UC Santa Cruz, USA, 8. September 2014
UC Berkeley, USA, 10. September 2014
Justus Liebigs University Gieβen, 19.September 2014
Weizmann Institute of Science, 28. October 2014
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel, 24. November 2014
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, 7. December 2014
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, 7. December 2014
Minisymposium at Teva TAPI, Israel, 19. February 2015
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 21. May 2015
RWTH Aachen, Germany, 22. May 2015
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, School of Pharmacy, 31. May 2015
Ariel University, 7. June 2015
Tel Aviv University, 25. October 2015
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, 2. November 2015
Tianjin University Symposium on Directions in Modern Health Science, Tianjin University China, 22-25 November 2015
Bar Ilan University, 9. December 2015
Queen's University Belfast, UK December 2015
EPFL, Switzerland, 9. May 2016
Novartis, Basel, Switzerland, 7. July 2016
Ariel University, Israel 17. January 2018.
Tel Aviv University, Israel 28. October 2018.
University of Alicante, Spain, 6. June 2019
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, 3. December 2019
Institute of Chemistry, Hebrew University, Israel, 16. January 2020
Department of Chemistry, DTU, Denmark, 27. September 2021
Plenary speaker at the International Conference on Chemistry and Allied Sciences, Hanumakonda, India, 25-27 August 2022
86th Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society, Tel Aviv Israel, 12-13 September 2022
Batsheva de Rotschild Seminar on Strong Bond Activation, Ein Gedi, Israel, 23-26 October 2022
Tel Aviv University, Israel. 18. December 2022
7th International Conference on Hypervalent Iodine Chemistry, June 25-28 2023, Stockholm, Sweden
Contributed lectures at conferences
The 224th meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston, USA, 2002
The 71st meeting of the Israeli Chemical Society, Tel Aviv, Israel, February 2006
The 224th meeting of the American Chemical Society in Phildelphia, USA, 19. of August 2008.
4th EuCheMs Conference, Prague 26-30. August 2012
EuChems Conference on Organic Free Radicals, Prague 29. June- 4. July 2014
5th International Conference on Hypervalent Iodine Chemistry (ICHIC 2016), Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 3-6/7-2016
International Symposium on Synthesis and Catalysis, Evora, Portugal, 4-8/9-2017
The 83rd meeting of the Israeli Chemical Society, Tel Aviv, Israel, February 2018
EuCHeMS conference on Organic Free Radicals June 17-20, 2018, Marseille, France
6th International Conference on Hypervalent Iodine Chemistry (ICHIC 2018), July 1-4, 2018, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
21st European Symposium on Organic Chemistry, Vienna, Austria, 14-18/7-2019
International Symposium on Synthesis and Catalysis, Evora, Portugal, 3-6/9-2019